Сценарий спектакля на английском языке для 5-7 классов «Приключения в стране Оз» по мотивам произведения Ф. Баума «Волшебник Страны Оз»

Автор: Леонова Анна Османовна

Организация: МАОУ «Гимназия (английская)»

Населенный пункт: Магаданская область, г. Магадан


Main characters:
















NARRATOR: Dorothy was a little girl who lived on a farm in Kansas with her uncle Henry, her aunt Ema and a little black dog Toto. One day there was a terrible cyclone. The house with Dorothy and Toto was taken miles and miles away from Kansas.


(выходят на сцену удивленно оглядываясь)

DOROTHY: Oh, this place is so beautiful.

TOTO: Everything is amazing. Oh, I can talk. It’s wonderful! Wow! Now I can express all my emotions to you!

(Выходят, пританцовывая, красивые феи).

GOOD WITCHES (вместе): Welcome to our country. Thank you for destroying the Bad Witch.

DOROTHY: I haven’t destroyed anybody.


DOROTHY: And who are you?

GOOD WITCHES: (вместе).We are good Witches. And what are your names?

TOTO: I am Toto. Glad to see you!

DOROTHY: My name is Dorothy. We’re from Kansas. We want to go home. (плачет). Can you show us the way to Kansas?

LOCASTA (THE GOOD WITCH OF THE NORTH): You must go to Emerald City. The Wizard of Oz will help you.

DOROTHY: How can I get to that city?

LOCASTA (THE GOOD WITCH OF THE NORTH): Take these magic shoes (дает туфли) and follow the yellow brick road.

GOOD WITCHES: (вместе). Follow the yellow brick road.

NARRATOR: Dorothy and Toto started walking through the yellow brick road. After a while they heard someone talking.


(появляется Cтрашила)

SCARECROW: I need a brain! I need a brain!

DOROTHY: Did you hear that, Toto? Who is talking?


DOROTHY: Did you say that you need a brain?

SCARECROW: Yes, I only have some straw.

TOTO: Well, come with us to the Wizard of Oz. He will give you a brain.

SCARECROW: I will go with you.


(Дороти, Тото и Страшила взявшись за руки и пританцовывая, идут дальше).

NARRATOR: So Dorothy, Toto and the Scarecrow kept walking. After a while they saw a Tin Woodman beside the road.

(Появляется Железный Дровосек).

THE TIN WOODMAN: (стонет) Oil! Oil!

SCARECROW: He wants some oil.

(Дороти смазывает Дровосека маслом)

NARRATOR: Dorothy oiled the Tinman.

THE TIN WOODMAN: Perfect! Now I can talk and move. I don’t have a heart. I want to love. So, I do need a heart!

DOROTHY: Well, come with us.


(Дороти, Тото, Железный Дровосек и Страшила взявшись за руки и пританцовывая, идут дальше).

NARRATOR: Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man went along the yellow brick road.

TOTO: Arf, arf, arf

DOROTHY: Toto, stop barking!

TOTO: Arf! Arf! Arf! Somebody is here.


(Появляется Лев, на него прыгает Тотошка и громко лает. Лев отступает и начинает рыдать).

DOROTHY: Come here, Lion. Why are you crying? Poor creature?

THE COWARDLY LION: I am crying because I haven’t got any courage. I was scared with your little dog.

SCARECROW: Come with us to visit the Wizard of Oz. He can help you!

THE COWARDLY LION: Yes, I need some courage, and I want to get it. Let´s go!

(Дороти, Тото, Железный Дровосек, Лев и Страшила взявшись за руки и пританцовывая под веселую музыку, идут дальше).


NARRATOR: So everybody decided to go to visit the Wizard of Oz. When they finally arrived a guard opened the door.



AT THE PALACE (Появляется стражник).

THE GREEN SOLDIER: Who are you? What do you want in the Emerald city?

DOROTHY: My name is Dorothy. I am from Kansas.

A terrible cyclone lifted my little house and brought me to the Land of Oz.

I want to go back home. I have come to see the Great Wizard of Oz and ask him to help me.

THE SCARECROW: I am a scarecrow. You see, the farmers who made me with straw made a mistake. They didn’t put brains into my head. I have no brains and people always call me a fool. I shall ask the Great Wizard to give me some brains.


- I am the Tin Woodman. My body, my arms and legs are made of tin. My head is made of tin too. There is no heart in my body. And I can’t be happy if I have no heart. I want to ask the Great Wizard to put a heart into my body.

THE COWARDLY LION: I am the Cowardly Lion. All the other beasts in the forest think I’m brave. People call me the Lion the King of the Beasts. I know that people are afraid of me when I roar. That’s why I always roar when I meet people or animals. They all run away from me. They don’t know that I am afraid of them. And I don’t want them to know. I want to ask the Great Wizard to give me some courage and make me brave.

THE GREEN SOLDIER: I shall take you to him, if you are not afraid. The Wizard of Oz is very terrible. But first, I shall give you all eye-glasses. You must put them on and wear them all the time, because the houses in the Emerald City are made of emeralds. To look at them will be bad for your eyes. The Great Wizard will see you and do what he can for you. But each of you must come into his room alone. Each day Oz will see only one of you.

DOROTHY AND HER FRIENDS: Thank you, thank you very much. That is very kind of the Great Wizard.

THE GREEN SOLDIER: That is the signal. Dorothy, you must go into the Throne Room alone.

(Dorothy comes in and sees a man with a very big Head on the Throne.)

THE GREAT WIZARD: I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Who are you, little girl? And what do you want of me?

DOROTHY: I am Dorothy from Kansas. And I want your help. I want you to send me back home to my Aunt Emm and my Uncle Henry. Your country is beautiful but I want to go home.

THE GREAT WIZARD: Where did you get those silver shoes?

DOROTHY: I got them from the Wicked Witch of the East. My house fell on her and killed her. So I took her silver shoes.

THE GREAT WIZARD: Why do you ask me to help you?

DOROTHY: Because you are strong and I am not. Because you are the Great Wizard and I’m only a poor little girl.

THE GREAT WIZARD: But you are strong too. You killed the Wicked Witch of the East.

DOROTHY: I didn’t want to kill her. My house did it, it just fell on it.

THE GREAT WIZARD: Well, you ask me to help you. And what will you do for me? You must help me first. Kill the wicked witch of the West and then I send you back home.

DOROTHY: But I cannot do it! How can I kill the Wicked Witch of the West, if you the Great and Terrible Wizard can’t kill her, how can I do it?

THE GREAT WIZARD: I don’t know how, but that is my answer. Kill her, then come and tell me that you have killed her. Now go! And remember: she is very, very wicked. She is terrible!


(На заднем плане крадучись проходит Злая Ведьма с Запада)

THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Oh, yes, I’m terrible! They will see my power! Ha-ha-ha!


(Дороти возвращается к своим друзьям печальная)

DOROTHY: There is no hope for me. He asked me to kill the Wicked Witch of the West!

THE GREEN SOLDIER: That is the signal. The Scarecrow, you must go into the Throne Room alone.

(The Scarecrow comes into the throne Room and sees a beautiful Girl on the emerald throne.)

THE GREAT WIZARD: (IN A FORM OF A BEAUTIFUL GIRL) - I am Oz the Great and Terrible. Who are you, and what do you want of me?

THE SCARECROW: I am only a Scarecrow. My body is made of straw. My head is made of straw too, so I have no brains. But I don’t want people call me a fool. Please, put some brains into my head.

THE BEAUTIFUL GIRL: Why must I do this for you?

THE SCARECROW: Because you are a great Wizard. You have a lot of brains. Only you can help me.

BEAUTIFUL GIRL: All right. I shall help you. But you must help me first. Kill the Wicked Witch of the West, then I shall give you a lot of brains.

THE SCARECROW: But you asked Dorothy to kill the Wicked Witch of the West?

THE BEAUTIFUL GIRL: That’s right, I did. It’s all the same to me who will kill her. Come and tell me that you have killed her and I shall do what you want me to do.


(На заднем плане опять крадучись проходит Злая Ведьма с Запада)

THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Ha-ha-ha! We will see who will die! Naive little petty people!


(The Scarecrow comes back to his friends.)

DOROTHY: Did you see the Big Head?

THE SCARECROW: It was a Beautiful girl, not a man with a big head. She asked me to kill the Wicked Witch of the West.

THE GREEN SOLDIER: That is a signal. The Tin Woodman, you must go into the Throne Room alone.

The Tin Woodman comes into the throne Room and sees a Terrible Beast with 5 long arms and 5 long legs.

THE GREAT WIZARD (IN A FORM OF A TERRIBLE BEAST): I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Who are you and what do you want of me?

THE TIN WOODMAN: I am a Woodman and I have no heart, because I am made of tin. Please, give me a heart. I want to be a real man.

THE TERRIBLE BEAST: I can give you a heart, but you must help me first. Help Dorothy to kill the Wicked Witch of the West. Then come to me and I’ll give you a big heart. But be careful, she is very powerful!


(На заднем плане опять крадучись проходит Злая Ведьма с Запада)

THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Oh, yes, I’m a very powerful witch! Nobody can win me!


(The Tin Woodman comes back to his friends)

THE TIN WOODMAN: It was a Terrible Beast with 5 long legs and 5 arms. He asked me to help Dorothy to kill the Wicked Witch of the West.

THE COWARDLY LION: Tomorrow I shall go to see the Wizard. If he is in the form of a Beast, I shall roar and frighten him. If he is in the form of a beautiful girl, I shall jump at her and frighten her. If he is in the form of a Head, I shall push it down from the throne. All will be well, my friends.

THE GREEN SOLDIER: That is the signal. Lion, it’s your turn to see the Great Wizard. Go to the throne room.

(The Lion comes into the throne room and sees a Ball of Fire in front of the throne. He can’t look at it, so bright it is.)

THE GREAT WIZARD (IN THE FORM OF A BALL OF FIRE): I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Who are you and what do you want of me?

THE COWARDLY LION: I am a Cowardly Lion. I am afraid of people and beasts. I ask you to give me some courage. People call me the King of Beasts, so I must be brave.

THE BALL OF FIRE: Why do you ask me for it?

THE COWARDLY LION: Because you are Oz, the Great and Terrible. You, only you can give me courage.

THE BALL OF FIRE: Kill the Wicked Witch of the West and I shall give you courage. Kill her!


(На заднем плане опять крадучись проходит Злая Ведьма с Запада (каждый раз с разным реквизитом и выполняя разные колдовские действия и жесты)

THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Kill me?! Meeee?! Ha-ha-ha!


THE COWARDLY LION (comes back to his friends and says): It was a Ball of Fire in front of the throne. It was so bright that I could neither go near it nor look at it. He asked me to kill the Witch.

DOROTHY: What shall we do now?

THE COWARDLY LION: There is only one thing we can do. We’ll have to go to the West and kill the Wicked Witch.

DOROTHY: But can we do it?

THE COWARDLY LION: We must do it, or I’ll never have courage.

THE SCARECROW: And I’ll never have brains.

THE TIN WOODMAN: And I’ll never have a heart.

DOROTHY: And I’ll never see Aunt Emm and Uncle Henry. I think we must do it. The Witch is very wicked and she does much harm to people.

THE COWARDLY LION: I’ll go with you, Dorothy.

THE SCARECROW: I’ll go too.


DOROTHY: Let us go, friends!


(звучит страшная музыка. Выбегает злая ведьма).

THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: You, poor creatures, are going to destroy me? Me? Ha, ha, ha, I’ll destroy you.

DOROTHY: Never! We are not afraid of you (изображает, что выливает воду из ведра на ведьму (блестки из фольги).

THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: No! No! What have you done? I am melting, melting, mel…. Oh, oh,oh.(падает на пол).

DOROTHY: I cannot believe – the poor witch was afraid of water!


(На сцену выходит Великий Волшебник)

WIZARD: My friends, now you all have what you need. The Scarecrow has got his brain! The Tin Woodman has got his heart. The Lion has got his courage. And Dorothy with Toto will go home!

(Все танцуют под веселую музыку).


Опубликовано: 05.06.2022