Разработка урока по английскому языку «Как стать знаменитым - Генри Форд»

Автор: Маслобоева Елена Владимировна

Организация: ГБОУ СОШ №503

Населенный пункт: Ленинградская область, г. Санкт-Петербург

Ведущие методы: коммуникативный, частично-поисковый.

Урок:  закрепление знаний и способов действий

Цели урока:

Повышение и развитие коммуникативных способностей учащихся, умения вести монологическую и диалогическую речь.

Развитие  речевых умений учащихся по теме, проведение скрытого контроля уровня развития речевых умений.

Развитие творческих способностей учеников, формирование навыков самостоятельной работы и работы в группе.

Развитие положительной мотивации и познавательного интереса к изучаемому материалу и процессу учебной деятельности.

Предметное содержание речи:

Знакомство учащихся с выдающимися изобретениями и изобретателями, а также достижениями, которые используются в повседневной жизни, как в России, так и странах изучаемого языка.

Задачи урока:

I. Образовательные:

Активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Изобретения, которые потрясли мир»;

Практиковать учащихся в устной речи;

Совершенствование слухо-произносительных навыков, в том числе применительно к новому языковому материалу;

контроль уровня сформированности грамматических навыков.

II. Развивающие:

развитие творческих  способностей учащихся, образного мышления, памяти;

развитие умений участвовать в беседе на знакомую тему, осуществлять запрос информации, выражать свое отношение к высказыванию партнера, свое мнение;

развитие умений делать сообщения, содержащие наиболее важную информацию по теме, рассуждать  о фактах, приводя примеры и высказывая свое мнение, а также развитие умения строить предположения относительно хронологии предложенных изобретений;

развитие информационной (готовность к работе с информационными источниками) и образовательной (готовность к самообразованию, в т.ч. способность к получению знаний из различных источников) компетентности учащихся.

III. Воспитательные:

формирование коммуникативных умений, умений саморегуляции и саморегулирования своей учебной деятельности;

формирование социальной (готовность к взаимодействию, освоению новых способов деятельности, умение работать в команде) и коммуникативной (готовность и способность осуществлять устную и письменную коммуникации) компетентности.

Сопутствующая задача  – развитие умения читать с детальным пониманием содержания и с целью извлечения конкретной информации, развитие умения работать в парах. Совершенствование навыков работы с компьютером в среде POWER POINT с

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент, введение темы

Hello! I’m very glad to see you.

What is the date today?

What is the day today?

Who is absent?

During some lessons we spoke about many famous people of English-speaking countries and Russia. Do you remember their names?

At this lesson we’ll revise vocabulary and grammar and read the text about one of the famous Americans.

II. Фонетическое упражнение

T: I’d like to begin our lesson with a question. What is a quotation?

P: A quotation is …

T: Listen to the quotation which belongs to one of the great men. Read it and translate.

“To get together is the beginning,
To stay together is a progress,
To work together is a success”.

Do you know who these words belong to? Then we’ll learn it later.

III. Повторение лексики

People of different professions can be proud at any country. What are these professions?

1) Fill in the letters and read the words.

C_smon_ut, wa_ri_r, pol_ti_ian, c_mpos_ _, sp_rt_man, mus_cian, s_ _enti_t, pla_ _ri_ _t,  acti_ns, id_as, co_rag_, d_ _ds, hard work, ac_i_vem_nts.

Read the words all together.

2) Give the explanation of the following words.

Ex: An playwright is a person who writes plays.

3) Make up sentences with the words.
4) Here you can see the portraits of famous people. Your task is to say who they are and why you think people respect or love these people?

Ex: Audrey Hepburn is an actress. People respect her for her films.

But first of all let’s read the proper names.

IV. Обучение чтению

Do you remember the quotation we’ve read at the beginning of the lesson? It’s time to learn who said it. Before reading the text I want you to listen to the story. The story will be in Russian.

“В 1872 году сын ирландского иммигранта упал с лошади во время работы на ферме своего отца близ города Дирборн (штат Мичиган, США). Именно в этот день он решил создать такое транспортное средство, которое бы не причиняло страданий и было бы более надежным, чем транспортные средства с использованием силы животных. этим наездником-неудачником был …”

Do you have any suggestions?

V. Cемантизация лексики

down-to-earth family – common family



assembly line

Detroit, the USA

1863,1869, 1903, 1908, 1914

Listen and repeat the words after me.

Open your books and read the text.


Reading. Read the text and answer the questions:

Was Ford’s family rich?

Did Henry like his childhood?

How did he change his life?

What did he invent?

How did he spend part of his money?

Henry Ford was a man whose ideas changed the world. Ford came from the down-to earth family. He was born in 1836 on a farm near Detroit. But when he was a boy, he didn’t want to live on the farm because he hated farming and he adored machines. When he was 16 he went to Detroit to work in a machine shop (мастерская). In 1896 he built his first automobile.

In 1903, when H. Ford was 40, he started the Ford Motor Company. At that time the automobile was a toy of rich people. Henry Ford decided to change the situation. The company made the model t Ford in 1908. It was small and even people who were not rich could buy it. He was the first who used assembly line (сборочный конвейер). The assembly line was a revolution in cars making. Ford also paid his workers 5 US dollars per day. It was a large sum in 1914.

H. Ford had more than one billion US dollars. He spent more than forty million on charities. He started the ford foundation that supported different programmes in education and culture.


1) What is the best title for the story?
2) Give the English for: изменили мир, обожал машины, построил первый автомобиль, машиностроение, etc.
3) Answer the questions:

What personal information did you learn?

What did you learn about his childhood?

What made him famous?


Personal information


What made him famous




5) Look through the text and read out the sentences with Infinitive as an attribute and relative clauses with whose.

VI. Работа по карточкам

Now you’ll get different cards with the tasks for your text.

Card 1

Put the sentences into the right order according to the text.

  1. When he was 16, he went to Detroit to work in a machine shop.
  2. He started the Ford Foundation that supported different programmes in education and culture.
  3. In 1903, when he was 40, he started the Ford Motor Company.
  4. He was born in 1863.
  5. The company made the model T Ford in 1908.
  6. In 1896 he built his first automobile.

Card 2

Correct the mistakes in the text.

He came from rich family. He was born in 1896. He lived in Detroit. When he was a boy, he was glad to live on the farm. When he was 26, he went to Paris to work in a food shop. He started the Ford Foundation that supported different programmes in shipbuilding. In 1903, when he was 71, he started the Toyota Motor Company. The company made the model T Ford in 1910. In 1896 he built his first ship.

VII. Контроль выполнения заданий

Let’s check some of the tasks, for example Card 1

VIII. Подведение итогов

We’ve revised Vocabulary and read the text about one of the great Americans. Now you can answer the question “Who do these words belong to”? You are right. These words belong to the famous American businessman Henry Ford.

IX. Домашнее задание

Make up a short report about one of the great men of English-speaking country and Russia.

Audrey Hepburn is an actress. People respect her for her films. 

Michael Jordan is a basketball player.People respect him for his achievments in sport.

Charles Robert Darwin, FRS (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist and geologist, best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory.   

Sir Alexander Fleming (6 August 1881 – 11 March 1955) was a Scottish biologist, pharmacologist and botanist.



2. http://history1900s.about.com/od/1910s/a/Ford--Assembly-Line.htm

3. http://corporate.ford.com/news-center/press-releases-detail/675-quadricycle

4. http://inventors.about.com/od/fstartinventors/a/HenryFord.htm

Опубликовано: 18.07.2015