Конспект урока «Star track» («Звёздный путь»)

Автор: Купенко Светлана Геннадьевна

Организация: МОУ школа №29

Населенный пункт: Московская область, г. Балашиха

Цель урока :совершенствование коммуникативных навыков во всех видах речевой деятельности.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: ознакомить учащихся с планетами Солнечной системы, обогатить словарный запас ЛЕ по теме «Освоение космоса».

Развивающие: развивать навыки говорения, аудирования, развивать мышление, фантазию, языковую догадку)

Воспитательные: прививать желание изучать иностранный язык через разные формы работы.

Практические: умение оценивать себя в разных видах речевой деятельности.

Оборудование: компютер, видеопроектор, экран, набор карточек для подстановки слов при аудировании, проекты, выполненные учащимися в электронной форме.

Используемые технологии: коммуникативная, проектная, использование ИКТ.

                                             План урока:

Начало урока. Целеполагание.

Hello, everybody! I hope you are fine. So let’s start our lesson. First of all, I’d like to show you a phrase in Latin. Try to guess the meaning of it.



You cannot achieve success if you don’t experience difficulties.(it’s a motor of Royal Air Force in the UK)

My second question will be – What is the topic of our lesson today?

Yes! You’re right. Today we’re going to talk about space, stars, Universe and our Solar System.


We are the members of the space team. We are to overcome some difficulties in our journey. So let’s warm-up.I suggest you to listen to a song “come with me to the stars!” and fill in the gaps with necessary words.

(аудирование песни, заполнение пропусков, самоконтроль и обсуждение) Приложение 1.

( песня Come with me to the stars! Lyrics – youTube)


We are to know where are we flying. Let’s check your homework. We divided into groups – and you were to make projects –either group or individual- to present some brief information about Planets of our Solar System.

First of all, let me start with the Sun. As you see, you have schemes for filling information.(Приложение 2)

Sun.The Sun is in the centre of the Solar system. It consists of hot lava and a strong magnetic field.The Sun mass is estimated at 99,8% of the Solar system.The Sun consists of  70 % of hydrogen, 28% of helium and 2 % of the remaining consists of carbon, iron and other elements. By classification the Sun is a yellow dwarf. It has a surface temperature is about 5505 C. The corona of the Sun is constantly expending, thus producing  a solar wind (charged particals  emitted from the Sun’s upper atmosphere .The Sun is often reperesented in ancient cultures as a god.

( So, I’m giving the floor to…)

(представление проектов, самоконтроль заполнения схем)









You may ask – Where is the Pluto? But nowadays it’s not considered the planet!


You’ve done great job! Now let’s summarize the information we’ve listened to in a following way. Let’s sing a song about planets! (приложение 3)

( песня“Planet song” from www.HaveFunTeaching.com )

Выполнение занимательных упражнений.

Let’s divide into teams and do some tasks to check if we are ready for space journey. (приложение 4)

Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

So, we are practically finished our lesson. Let’s come back to our dearest Earth. Fill in your evaluation cards. Put the mark  at the bottom of the page and leave them on your desks.

Next time we’re going to talk about aliens, so your task will be as follows:

Please, write a short essay “What if I met an alien” ( 200-2050 words). Don’t forget to follow the rules of storytelling and try to use colourful adjectives and adverbs. So, good luck to you!


Приложение 1.

Up in the sky the Planets are_______________,

The Moon and Venus and Mars.

Up in the sky the stars are ________________,

Come with me to the stars!

High, high, up in the sky,

Far, far to _________________ star,

Come with me to the stars!

Come with me to the stars!

Up in the sky my _____________ is ________________,

The Earth is a ______________   ___________.

Up in the sky new worlds are ________________,

___________and_____________ the stars call!

High, high, up in the sky…



Up in the sky the Planets are turning,

The Moon and Venus and Mars.

Up in the sky the stars are shining,

Come with me to the stars!

High, high, up in the sky,

Far, far to the furthest star,

Come with me to the stars!

Come with me to the stars!

Up in the sky my spaceship is flying,

The Earth is a tiny ball.

Up in the sky new worlds are waiting,

Listen and hear the stars call!

High, high, up in the sky…


Приложение 2.






































Приложение 3.

Planet’s Song.

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun

Venus comes next it’s the hottest one

Earth comes third the only life that we know

Mars has the largest canyon and volcano


Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


The gassy planet Jupiter, the largest you will find

Saturn has rings around the outside

Uranus is funny ‘cause it spins on its side

Neptune looks blue, the coldest of its kind


Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


Okay get ready

We’re gonna say all the planets really, really, really very fast

Can you keep up?

We’re gonna say all the planets from the first to the last


Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Evaluation card.               Surname, name ______________



Filling the gaps of the song

8-9 – Exellent

6-7 – Good

5 - Satisfactory

Home-task (Presentation about planet)

Presentation – (5 points max., speech – 5 points max)

8-10 points – Excellent

6-7 – Good

5 - Satisfactory

Singing a song

Yes – Excellent

  No –Try at home!

Written exercises

  1. 6-7 points –Excellent
  2. 5 points –Good
  3. 4 – Satisfactory


  1. 4 points –Excellent
  2. 3 points – Good.


Final mark ___________________________

Did you enjoy the lesson? YesNo

Remarks _____________________________________________


Приложение 4.

Задание 1.

Подставьте в пропуски подходящие слова, образовав их от однокоренных слов, находящихся в скобках.

A.The Sun is _______________ a star. (real) It is a million times ___________ than the Earth. (big) Human ____________ would not live without the Sun. (to be)

B.Venus is the __________ planet to the Earth. (close) Even the _____________ telescope cannot see its surface as it is _____________ by thick clowds. (strong, to cover). ___________ clouds are made of acid instead of water. (this)

       (points ______ (outof 7)

Задание 2.

Догадайся, какие слова пропущены в предложениях. Составьте из них известное космическое понятие. Переведите его.

  1. Look! There’s a ___________ in the floor! I think a mouse lives there.
  2. They say if a ______________ crosses your way, it’s a bad omen.
  3. You have a ___________ on your shirt. You need to sew in a patch.
  4. John, where did you get that ___________ eye? – I had a fight.

_______________________________________ (____ (outof 4)

Опубликовано: 15.09.2015